Saturday 25 June 2011

Bipolar Disorder Causes and Triggering Mechanisms

Science has yet to find causes of the bipolar disorder but still, there are some known risk factors detected with this illness. Most important risk factors identified today associated with bipolar disorder is genetics. This illness is related to your genes but the triggering and aggregative mechanism is a high stress environment. Stress factors trigger Bipolar Disorder Symptoms such as depression and mania
The extreme low, depression state in bipolar disorder can be triggered by many factors in your immediate or extended environment. And the very same factors can also cause the extreme highs of the condition (manic state) also in a different patient. That is why it is so important for you to understand what sets it off, understanding triggering mechanisms can help you avoid the circumstances and factors causing this illness.
Medications for bipolar disorder have to be taken well in advance of the episodes, meaning, when you feel fine. If patients stop taking medications for various reasons such as forgetfulness or neglect, it may not worsen condition immediately but in time, you may find yourself slipping into the manic-depressive episodes more often than usual.
One of the Bipolar Disorder Symptoms, mania can be triggered off when the person has just been through a rough ordeal and comes out on top. In this condition patients feel like they are unstoppable and that can do everything they want.
Science thinks that child violent childhood, stressful life, exposure to violence in different forms (participating or witnessing) sometimes even video games and movies containing violent scenes, may cause Bipolar Disorder. Triggering mechanisms such as stressful life may not only cause this illness, but also trigger episodes more often in individuals who already have the illness. This is why it’s so important for the family members to avoid circumstances that may be related with stress.